Sunday, October 2, 2016

Is it ever appropriate to add a random human on The Facebook Dot Com?

Let's open this for discussion.

Is it.



To add a random human.

On The Facebook Dot Com?

I imagine the conversation going a little something like this, should there happen to be a conversation.

Human A (who is the person receiving the random request) "Ummm, Human B, I don't even know you?"

Human B [who is the creeper (or are they?) who sent the random request] "Ah! You do not, in fact. But you are about to."

Some possible scenarios that may go down from here:
- blocking
- ignoring
- reporting to The Facebook Dot Com
- deleting of message
- responding

My gut instinct tells me that the last item here is the least probable of results, but I could be wrong, having not truly done this to anyone. Although, I should say, for argument's sake, that this has happened to me. And I have just deleted the request and, more often than not, blocked the human.

Statistical reports I'm actively compiling in my head suggest that the most probable result is ignoring. Ye Olde "If I don't pay attention to it, it never happened" method is commonly employed by young users of the social networking world. In fact, just over 72% of these reports state that ignoring is likely to happen at least 28% of the time. These reports are highly restricted in access to the general public, so I would tell you where they come from, however I'm sworn to secrecy. Even writing about the reports here may result in my certain death. Please note, if I am suddenly found to have ceased posting cat photos of the lovely Luna Chang in the next month, you all know why. You won't know who per say, but you will know why, and that's half the battle.

I digress.

Random messages to random humans leading to random addings of friends without first conversing is sure to lead to doom and gloom. Stray away, if you dare.