Sunday, October 30, 2011


So much for writing here everyday. I've only written once during October! Methinks I'm slacking. I suppose now would be a good time for some updates (much has happened during this most wonderful month of October.) Let us begin!

In the realm of Disney, after much nagging and pestering to find out what exactly happened to my application (ultimately yielding an answer of "it got lost in limbo") I heard back on the 25th. I was offered a role in Full Service Food and Beverage, which is actually much better than it sounds AND not really related to food at all. Winning! I accepted the offer, paid the fees on the 26th, and picked an arrival date of January 25th (leaving, potentially, on June 1st.) Excellent, no?

No. Friday, the 28th, I was in a car accident, which I caused. There was a bug in my car, which flew at me and I tried to get it out and when I looked back at the road, it was too late and even though I slammed on the brakes, I still crashed into another car, who in turn ran into another car. Thank God nobody was hurt. Unfortunately, if the repairs are too high, I will not be able to go to Disney for another College Program.

This is where I sit. Not ideal, but it could be worse. Much, much worse.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Always the Bro, never the Ho

One should never aspire to be labeled a ho. I know this. Yet, we (the female population) find ourselves wanting this all the time. "I don't want to just be his friend! I want to get in bed with him!"

I regularly find that with the guys I enjoy most, the guys who I am most attracted to, will never view me as anything but their bro. I have made them too close, too used to who I am. I am, in their eyes, equal with their bros. Which is awesome on the surface, and probably means that I've made friends for life, but every so often, I want to be more than just a bro. Sometimes, you just want to be a ho.

I suppose, in this way, I just really want to rant. When am I ever NOT ranting on this blog? Rarely. Sigh. I just thought that in becoming friends with you, I could allow you to see how awesome and lovable I am. You did, and yay for that! But you also saw me as a source for advice. Advice when dealing with girls. Girls who are not me. I'll offer advice, and good advice too, because I'm your bro. But I will hope and pray that this girl is not sane and will be totally turned off by the advice I give you, because I really don't want it to work with you two. I just want her to crush you. Come running back to me. I'll get you through this rough time, and oh look! I was there all along. CLEARLY not such a bad person. I would tell you this, but I don't want to lose you as a bro, so instead, I'll rant. Will you see this eventually? Possibly. If you do, let's not discuss it.

I need some wine. Come on Fall Break! Let's do this!