I leave Indiana until June on Thursday. Today is Monday. Madness. That means that, at the very most, from this exact moment, I have 70 hours left in Indiana. I can’t even…what?! 70 hours. That’s 140 episodes of New Girl including the commercials. That’s 233 and a third pizzas baked back to back in one oven for 20 minutes (and let’s face it, they’re never REALLY done in 20 minutes.) That means that, at the most, I can listen to “Born to Die” (Lana Del Rey: check her out if you haven’t already. SNL was not a strong show for her, but holy canoli does she shine in recordings) 882 times. But then I also have drive-time without Lana in my car, sleeping time, family time, time when I’m listening to “Video Games” instead, or time when the interwebz aren’t working so I can’t bask in the glory of Lana’s Stevie Nicks esque voice (sans the dying goat aspect.) Which therefore dwindles down my numbers to about…67. Roughly. I’ll keep a tally and report back before leaving.
Things I’m looking forward to leaving behind in Indiana this go-around:
- My crappy internet connection
- My neighbors constantly burning trash (headache, anyone?)
- Snow
- Ice
- Salt on the roads from the aforementioned weather phenomena
- Cluttered room (working on decluttering said room between thought processes)
- A cold room when it’s cold outside (50 degrees inside. Any takers?)
Things I’m not looking forward to leaving behind in Indiana this go-around:
- My family
- George (furry brown brother)
- Ruby (Russian cat determined to conquer the world, one hairball at a time)
- Fat squirrels (the Florida squirrels look so underfed, poor babies)
I suppose I should finish up the packing and just get this stuff done. Former roommate and lifetime friend is flying into Indianapolis tomorrow (no capes) and I promised myself I’d have all of my packing done by the time I leave to pick her up. BLUE, 32, HIKE HIKE HIKE!