Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cold Night Cozies

It's really cold. Like, super cold. Allow me to sound as Valley Girl as possible right now. Like, totally really cold. I can't even, like, think of other words. It's like the weather has, like, frozen my brain, you know? And I can't think, like, at all? What does this mean? Is this, like, the end of my thoughts? Like, let's make a deal!

With Mother Nature. Seriously, lady, it's been cold enough this winter. I saw on the news tonight that with tonight's temperature, we're evening with the record of nights under 0 degrees with 2005/2006 winter. Please stop this madness. I cannot handle anymore.

My mom posted a link today of 20 things a future spouse should have before you marry them or something something. I agree with all of them. For the article/blog, see here. In regard to number 17, I'm really not that hard to please, I promise. A large nose and dark hair. Preferably tall. As Steven has been so kind as to point out, I want a Jew. I would not be opposed. [Insert Jewish stereotype here about how much money we would save and how I really don't want to be a coupon clipping wife all of my life so perhaps I should not marry a Jew who truly falls into the stereotypical category of penny pincher.]

I have the sudden desire to ride an elephant at some point in my life. I think this goes along with thirst for adventure? Just no spiders. Please don't make me go to Australia and see spiders as big as my head.

I had a dream the other night about a man. Oh ho ho! What a scandal! Hannah, you scandalous lady! Do not tempt me further! It involved hanging out with this nameless man at his house, eating delicious sandwiches, and playing with his son (not our son.) I also met his family and they, of course, loved me. As all families should. I'd like to eat another one of those sandwiches just now. And find this guy. Duh. But sandwiches capture my heart more instantly. Oh god no wonder I'm not a model. Plus the whole 5'6" thing: there is nothing spectacular about being five and a half feet tall.

I already made a Potter status for The Half-Blood Prince and in sticking with my pattern of only one quote per book publicly posted, I shall post another lovely quote here instead to wrap up tonight's ramblings (which are arguably less happy than I would like, increasingly disorganized, and a bit odd like usual):

"What happened?"
"Cracked skull," said Madam Pomfrey, bustling up and pushing him back against his pillows. "Nothing to worry about, I mended it at once, but I'm keeping you in overnight. You shouldn't overexert yourself for a few hours."
"I don't want to stay here overnight," said Harry angrily, sitting up and throwing back his covers. "I want to find McLaggen and kill him."
"I'm afraid that would come under the heading of 'overexertion,'" said Madam Pomfrey, pushing him firmly back onto the bed and raising her wand in a threatening manner.

Oh Harry, you scoundrel. Stop trying to hurt your Quidditch team members!

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