Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Thoughts I'm Thinking


Where did 2012 go? Looking back to 2012, I did a lot. I ended a job at CVS, I took on a new role with Disney, I moved to Florida in January and didn't move back to Indiana until August. I did poorly in school, took the summer off from classes, and had a very strong Fall semester. I officially became a Communications major, and decided that grad school is in my future. I went to a Phillies Spring Training game against the Blue Jays! I returned to Massachusetts for the first time since 2007 to see my roommates from the College Program version 2.0. I saw a lot of movies at the theater in 2012: J. Edgar, Beauty and the Beast in 3-D, The Vow, The Amazing Spider Man, Brave, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Looper, Wreck-It Ralph, Magic Mike, Silver Linings Playbook, The Hunger Games, The Dark Knight Rises, Pitch Perfect, and Mirror Mirror. There are probably more...but that's not the point I'm attempting to make (if there's really any point at all.)

2013 means new opportunities! (No it doesn't.) 2013 means changing my life overnight! (That's a far-fetched idea.) 2013 means doing things I wouldn't normally attempt! (Possibly.) While my mindset and approach to life cannot simply change overnight as a resolution would prompt, I can make a list of things I would like to accomplish in 2013. The span of an entire year (minus 9 days) is a reasonable request, I think, so should be easily accomplished. Without further adieu, I present to you all this morning, THE LIST.

1. I want to go to a baseball game (doesn't matter if it's in Indianapolis, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, etc. but it will happen.)
2. I want to go to a concert (Company of Thieves is coming to Bloomington this month. Weather permitting, I really want to attend.)
3. I want to visit my sister more (she's getting married! I need to help her plan this wedding!)
4. I want to get up earlier (sleeping in feels like you're wasting the day away.)
5. I want to pay more attention to my cat (and not by means of hacking off her fur...)
6. I want to open a savings account to start saving for moving to Florida.
7. If a movie comes to the theaters that I want to see, I will go see it! I don't need someone to go with me!
8. I want to get all A's in my classes, for the entire year. This includes spring, summer I, summer II, and fall. It can happen!
9. I want to be able to dance. Maybe that means white girl dancing, but I want to be able to dance when out with my friends and not care how I look.
10. I want to visit my friends more. You live in Michigan? Let me drive to Michigan. You live in Massachusetts? Fly to me. (haha) You live in Florida? I'll move in with you. I'm really bad at staying in touch with friends AND THIS MUST IMPROVE.

Yessir. Ten things. Easily accomplished. Make dreams happen! Make the magic happen! Pixie dust EVERYWHERE! If you can dream it, you can do it!

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