Whilst craving pizza for the umpteenth time in my life, I found myself settling for cereal instead. Cereal does not involve a microwave, it does not involve trekking out into the freezing cold garage and grabbing the little pizza box. Cereal instantly fills a craving, not entirely, but helps to a certain extent. In reaching for the cereal box, located on top of the fridge, my hand grazed a different, smaller box. It read:
Moist and Meaty
I'm not sure whether I should be put off by this or extremely excited. I personally love meat (go steak!) and dry meat is generally frowned upon (unless it's jerky, but I won't eat that regardless. Long story.) Therefore, I would like my meat to be "moist and meaty," but was it necessary to advertise it as such? At the same time, if it's sitting on TOP of my fridge, it's probably not actually meat, but rather some imitation meat (which should be refrigerated regardless.) So what is this mystery food item which boasts its high levels of water containment and general meat-like qualities? And what is it doing on my fridge?
I have no idea. And I'm not about to go check.
On a positive note in life! I made it my goal to go on at least one date in October. I'm tired of sitting around (totally goes against a lot of stuff I've written thus far, yet makes other things I've written previously even stronger: double-edged sword.) I'm meeting with a fine young fellow who comes from a well-to-do British royal bloodline, owns 4 cars, has 32 horses, commonly enjoys hunting, croquet, chess, and other fancy British things, and we shall discuss the world's current economic state over a splendidly rich cup of tea. Pinkies up! Never would I ever meet with a man whose name I've previously mentioned as being boring (true story) for a cheap cup of coffee. How dare you suggest I stoop that low! But I am thrilled. Hopefully it goes well! If not, I've always got my cat (which Facebook reminds me of all too much: "Cat-Share: Interactive hub where cat-lovers connect + share.")
Some of my favorite (and your favorite!) posts
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
How to Acquire a Phone Number
Was this used in a real-life situation? You betcha.
Oye and what's your number? I'm trying to get a large database of numbers in my phone to study the statistics of letters of the alphabet and how they relate to age, location, etc [insert long rambling about scientific reasoning for needing your number that is completely falsified and really I'd just like your number to possibly meet up for lunch or coffee or the occasional 'hello!' I suppose I should stop rambling and you can just send me your number if you feel it is a worthy cause]
Oye and what's your number? I'm trying to get a large database of numbers in my phone to study the statistics of letters of the alphabet and how they relate to age, location, etc [insert long rambling about scientific reasoning for needing your number that is completely falsified and really I'd just like your number to possibly meet up for lunch or coffee or the occasional 'hello!' I suppose I should stop rambling and you can just send me your number if you feel it is a worthy cause]
Did it work?
Oh yes.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
So much for french homework
- i need to just rant
- not even rant
- ramble
- there's so much going on in my head
- yet nothing at all
- i don't understand how a head can be so occupied but so...thoughtless all at once
- i was just playing with makeup because i really don't want to work on my homework
- every time i try to put it on, i look like a zombie
- how the hell do people do eye shadow?
- obviously that means i'm going with colors that are too dark for me
- but if i go with lighter colors, i look like a cancer patient
- so then i settle for no color
- but then my eyes look translucent
- eyelids, i should say
- and then i was brushing my hair
- and i kept finding gray hairs
- so not only can i not do makeup, but i'm also getting old
- i just dyed my hair not that long ago
- the gray shouldn't be showing through yet
- and my hair looks like shit when it's brushed
- so i either have my hair pulled back or i don't brush my hair at all
- and when i don't brush my hair at all, there's absolutely zero predictability to it
- some days it looks great
- other days it looks like i got shit on
- my eyebrows are all sorts of crazy right now
- i don't know if it's how i'm sleeping or what
- but the hairs are curling like crazy and sticking out and it's driving me insane
- because i want to pull them out to teach them a lesson
- but then i get bald spots
- so i settle with crazy eyebrows
- which will hopefully calm down eventually
- but i was trying to figure out how to make myself look older
- because i always look far too young
- is there something i can do makeup wise to make myself look more mature?
- i'm trying to snag this guy who i've never even talked to (sister's teacher)
- what sort of girl does he go for?
- does he have a girl?
- would i even like him if i ever got the chance to talk to him?
- today was his birthday and he turned 27
- so he's 6 years older than i am
- which really isn't that bad
- my parents are 6.5 years apart
- and they're just fine
- but then i started thinking about the whole "do i even like guys at all or has society just pounded this idea into my head?"
- so i started thinking about when i first liked guys, was it something that was natural or was it told to me over and over?
- is hetero or homo sexuality a choice, or is it genetics?
- i think, the more i contemplate it, it's a choice
- because yes, something within you may be telling you that you like your own sex more than the opposite sex
- but isn't that a choice to listen to it or not?
- you may think that you like the opposite sex, therefore making that choice, but really you're wired to like your own sex
- the whole debate makes absolutely no sense to me the more i contemplate it
- because what is attractive about men?
- i, for one, don't strip men with my eyes when i'm looking at them
- i don't think of them as sex objects
- i don't think of sleeping with them in the most literal translation of that phrase as is possible
- i think of people as people
- i'm attracted to personalities, not bodies
- the bodies help
- but the personalities are what really gets you
- so would it be possible for me to like a lady?
- maybe
- i don't know
- it hasn't happened yet
- i'm losing interest in men (other than simba)
- but that doesn't mean that i AM interested in women
- it just means that i'm starting to view everyone as a friend
- and that's where i get really confused
- because what guy in their right mind would want to date a girl who doesn't want to have sex
- who doesn't want to cuddle
- who doesn't want to hold hands
- who wants to be in love, but not necessarily declare it
- no guy.
- even simba wants a relationship
- not just a best friend
- every guy wants some sort of physical component
- which is when i start to think whether i would be interested in dating women instead
- but at the same time, no, because vaginas are not any more enticing to me than penises
- that sounds gross
- but really
- not at all
- i just don't know what i want out of life
- but i know exactly what i want
- all at the same time
- i need someone super religious
- who isn't going to want to be physical
- but at the same time
- i don't want to have to deal with their religious mindset
- in which case i need someone who is an atheist
- but they're always going to be interested in sex
- i'm not heterosexual
- i'm not homosexual
- i'm asexual.
- so much for french homework.
- (end rant.)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Rant on Facebook
I am, put simply, the best Facebook stalker you will ever come across. If you are reading this now, chances are good that I already know your name, where you live, your mother's maiden name, your favorite color, your 2nd favorite childhood pet's name, your father's neighbor's blood type, etc. I am that good.
So when Facebook is misbehaving and making my stalking practically impossible, I rage. I can't find out who the person who sits next to me in French is (actually that's a lie; I know exactly who he is and I've already gone through all of his photos.) I can't find out who Gabriel/Cameron really is and still wish that I had talked to him more. BUT MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, I can't find my foods friend. All I know is his first name, and at that, I don't know the proper spelling of it. What does this mean for me? I actually have to interact with people in person? Heaven forbid.
But that's what society has become. Or at least, that's what I've become. Facebook has become my shield, a wall to hide behind. I can be tough and ballsy on Facebook and not worry about what happens. But in person, I'm not going to just walk up to someone and start having a deep conversation with them about why their grandmother can't remember their name and what really happened to their sister's sanity... Society demands that we be fearless online, but not in person. Face to face interactions are becoming few and far between. Is this a good thing? Is this a bad thing? Who knows.
What I do know, however, is that on the internet, no one knows you're a cat.
So when Facebook is misbehaving and making my stalking practically impossible, I rage. I can't find out who the person who sits next to me in French is (actually that's a lie; I know exactly who he is and I've already gone through all of his photos.) I can't find out who Gabriel/Cameron really is and still wish that I had talked to him more. BUT MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL, I can't find my foods friend. All I know is his first name, and at that, I don't know the proper spelling of it. What does this mean for me? I actually have to interact with people in person? Heaven forbid.
But that's what society has become. Or at least, that's what I've become. Facebook has become my shield, a wall to hide behind. I can be tough and ballsy on Facebook and not worry about what happens. But in person, I'm not going to just walk up to someone and start having a deep conversation with them about why their grandmother can't remember their name and what really happened to their sister's sanity... Society demands that we be fearless online, but not in person. Face to face interactions are becoming few and far between. Is this a good thing? Is this a bad thing? Who knows.
What I do know, however, is that on the internet, no one knows you're a cat.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
This one time in life, I found myself thinking "Is this really all there is? Could I be doing more in my life?"
That time in life is every day. But do I do anything about it? No, of course not. I always promise myself that I am going to be more active and make each day more exciting than the last, but that doesn't always happen. Take for example, yesterday. Had yesterday been my last day of life, I would have been thoroughly upset with myself and I would not feel complete with life. Each life is so precious and every day is an opportunity to be an awesome person, you just have to motivate yourself to be that person. Which is what I lack: motivation.
I'm an awesome person already (so I'd like to think) but I just need the motivation to be an ever more awesome person. Whether that means volunteering in my community, trying harder to do school work, or just being nicer to everyone I interact with, I'm going to try. But, let's be honest, that last one will never happen. I'm just too mean.
Therefore, I suggest that I make my life, and the lives of others around me, more interesting by being crazy. Not crazy in the sense of murdering a thousand women and children, or crazy in the sense of being a pyromaniac (although that would be SO MUCH FUN.) I mean crazy in the sense of unpredictable and fun. I was talking to my beach friend today and we were discussing something that is currently going on in her life (I PROMISE to blog about it soon) and I came to the realization that the simple things in life make me happiest.
The best date that I could possibly go on right now would be to explore a grocery store or mall or somewhere in which items can be purchased. Walk around the store(s) together as a couple, and point out various items loudly. "OH MY GOD, JOE, HAVE YOU EVER SEEN MELONS THIS ROUND? SERIOUSLY, THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! I HAVE GOT TO GET ME ONE OF THESE!" With various accents. Take turns talking in a British accent, Southern accent, Indian accent, Sarah Palin accent, Boston accent, surfer dude accent, etc. The options are practically limitless. Dress up for the occasion. Whether that means fancy clothes (suit/dress) or possibly even a clown costume, do whatever feels right. Sometimes you may want to put on wizarding robes and go around the store casting spells. "Accio....Tampons!" (as your date throws the tampons at you.) Be crazy. Have fun. Make yourself exciting. This is my challenge to me. A personal challenge. If I fail to become a more exciting person, then I have failed everyone.
Who knows, maybe if your date isn't willing to go along with it, someone else in the store is. BAM. Automatic new best friend.
That time in life is every day. But do I do anything about it? No, of course not. I always promise myself that I am going to be more active and make each day more exciting than the last, but that doesn't always happen. Take for example, yesterday. Had yesterday been my last day of life, I would have been thoroughly upset with myself and I would not feel complete with life. Each life is so precious and every day is an opportunity to be an awesome person, you just have to motivate yourself to be that person. Which is what I lack: motivation.
I'm an awesome person already (so I'd like to think) but I just need the motivation to be an ever more awesome person. Whether that means volunteering in my community, trying harder to do school work, or just being nicer to everyone I interact with, I'm going to try. But, let's be honest, that last one will never happen. I'm just too mean.
Therefore, I suggest that I make my life, and the lives of others around me, more interesting by being crazy. Not crazy in the sense of murdering a thousand women and children, or crazy in the sense of being a pyromaniac (although that would be SO MUCH FUN.) I mean crazy in the sense of unpredictable and fun. I was talking to my beach friend today and we were discussing something that is currently going on in her life (I PROMISE to blog about it soon) and I came to the realization that the simple things in life make me happiest.
The best date that I could possibly go on right now would be to explore a grocery store or mall or somewhere in which items can be purchased. Walk around the store(s) together as a couple, and point out various items loudly. "OH MY GOD, JOE, HAVE YOU EVER SEEN MELONS THIS ROUND? SERIOUSLY, THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT! I HAVE GOT TO GET ME ONE OF THESE!" With various accents. Take turns talking in a British accent, Southern accent, Indian accent, Sarah Palin accent, Boston accent, surfer dude accent, etc. The options are practically limitless. Dress up for the occasion. Whether that means fancy clothes (suit/dress) or possibly even a clown costume, do whatever feels right. Sometimes you may want to put on wizarding robes and go around the store casting spells. "Accio....Tampons!" (as your date throws the tampons at you.) Be crazy. Have fun. Make yourself exciting. This is my challenge to me. A personal challenge. If I fail to become a more exciting person, then I have failed everyone.
Who knows, maybe if your date isn't willing to go along with it, someone else in the store is. BAM. Automatic new best friend.
grocery store,
Sarah Palin,
Monday, September 5, 2011
A Quick Note
To people who come in and buy stuff where I work:
If you have a cold, I understand that you're not feeling well. I can tell by what you're buying. That does NOT mean that you need to leave the snot running out of your nose ALL OVER YOUR FACE. A beard is something to be marveled at, not something to hold all of your yellow/gray snot. I love beards, but not when they're coated in your mucus.
Please use a tissue before I projectile vomit all over you.
Much love,
If you have a cold, I understand that you're not feeling well. I can tell by what you're buying. That does NOT mean that you need to leave the snot running out of your nose ALL OVER YOUR FACE. A beard is something to be marveled at, not something to hold all of your yellow/gray snot. I love beards, but not when they're coated in your mucus.
Please use a tissue before I projectile vomit all over you.
Much love,
Sunday, September 4, 2011
We Still Have the Radio
Modest Mouse has been stuck in my head all day. I suppose it's only fitting that the title be a tribute to them. (You can listen to that song here.) I really must apologize for linking Vevo. I hate Vevo. With an undying passion. Maybe it's just because my internet is super super slow. Maybe it's because they seem to include a ton of ads. Regardless of what the reason is, it displeases me.
Things I think about when about to fall asleep:
- Was today successful?
- Did I take advantage of every opportunity presented to me today?
- How can I make my cat gain weight?
- Why is Vevo so terrible?
- When will my life begin?
- Why isn't Beach You To It writing me back?
- Is it worth it to get out of bed and go to the bathroom right now?
- How did the dashboard melt but the radio survived?
- Did video really kill the radio star?
- How do you expect me to believe that you don't drink when I've been around
- How did nerds get such a bad rep?
- Do I want children?
- Why can't I go to a university with a football team?
- What will happen if I only have girls?
- Have I already met my future husband?
- Why am I suddenly so obsessed with finding a guy?
- Do I even really want to get married ever at any point?
- What am I going to do with my life?
- Why isn't my relationship with my siblings better?
- How frequent is too frequent for crying to be considered an okay thing?
- My life sucks....
- I think I spent so much time learning to become friends with myself throughout life that
I missed out on how to be friends with others
- At what point do you make the transition from girl to lady to woman?
- Will I ever make it to that point?
- Why do these questions quickly become more and more serious?
- Why isn't it harder to type with eyes closed??
- How long will falling asleep take me today? I give it three minutes after you leave, Miss
I don't know who Miss Pink is, but I wrote that while sleeping. I hope she has a really great background, because she'll be featured in my dreams tonight. I can just feel it.
Happy sleeping!
Things I think about when about to fall asleep:
- Was today successful?
- Did I take advantage of every opportunity presented to me today?
- How can I make my cat gain weight?
- Why is Vevo so terrible?
- When will my life begin?
- Why isn't Beach You To It writing me back?
- Is it worth it to get out of bed and go to the bathroom right now?
- How did the dashboard melt but the radio survived?
- Did video really kill the radio star?
- How do you expect me to believe that you don't drink when I've been around
- How did nerds get such a bad rep?
- Do I want children?
- Why can't I go to a university with a football team?
- What will happen if I only have girls?
- Have I already met my future husband?
- Why am I suddenly so obsessed with finding a guy?
- Do I even really want to get married ever at any point?
- What am I going to do with my life?
- Why isn't my relationship with my siblings better?
- How frequent is too frequent for crying to be considered an okay thing?
- My life sucks....
- I think I spent so much time learning to become friends with myself throughout life that
I missed out on how to be friends with others
- At what point do you make the transition from girl to lady to woman?
- Will I ever make it to that point?
- Why do these questions quickly become more and more serious?
- Why isn't it harder to type with eyes closed??
- How long will falling asleep take me today? I give it three minutes after you leave, Miss
I don't know who Miss Pink is, but I wrote that while sleeping. I hope she has a really great background, because she'll be featured in my dreams tonight. I can just feel it.
Happy sleeping!
Friday, September 2, 2011
To be determined
Oh hello again!
Lately, I've found myself feeling lonely. That sounds awful. I don't need a guy, but I would like to have one. I have found myself thinking a lot lately "What do I want a guy to be like? What are some qualities that a guy I would date should have? Will he wear orange pleather shoes? Do I want him to be obsessed with Star Wars? Should he know more about quantum physics than I do? Does height really matter?" And so on and so forth.
I thought about making a list of all of the qualities THE MAN would have. But that seems pointless. A list makes life boring. Situations are much more exciting, and more eye-opening to a person's character. How the hell am I going to come up with so many situations, though? I can't. I don't want to. I won't. So basically, this is sort of a letter to the future guy rather than a response to various hypothetical conversations. Without further ado, I present what LR looks for in a guy.
Dear Mister,
I hope that you have an exciting name. Something boring like John would be a letdown, but wouldn't completely turn me away (it would just take me much longer to warm up to you.) I can't really speak much for myself: everyone was naming their daughter MY name when I was born, so I'm not overly unique. Not at least, in that sense. If we're going to get married, I can almost guarantee that your name will make my name more exciting. Game on.
Being taller than me would be nice, but is not necessary. Frowning upon shorter men makes me excessively shallow, so I must apologize in advance. But, let's be serious here: tall men just make me look short and adorable. Adorable=good.
I hope you've either gone to college or are currently in college. Education is important. Your grandmother may disagree with me, but who really gets along with the in-laws right away? Not me. Thankfully your grandfather loves me, but he may just be interested in upgrading to a newer model. Ahem. Note to self: we're not meeting your grandparents until you propose. I'm just teasing, I love you!
Be able to quote Disney movies in common conversation. You better have understood where my quote just above came from. If not, please let me move on to the next guy. I will frequently toss Disney quotes into my conversations with you: be prepared (for the chance of a lifetime.)
You need to be smart. That does not mean that you have to be able to recite the entire Periodic Table to me along with atomic masses, common isotopes, etc. while we are enjoying dinner together. I just need you to be able to spell words correctly when I want to see stuff spelled correctly. I want you to be able to understand my frustrations with various school related stuff (using "stuff" too much at the moment...deepest apologies.) If I want to talk smart on a date, I expect you to be able to talk smart right back.
I would love for you to be able to start a conversation with me and keep it going. I don't want to have to be the main talker ALL THE TIME. Be able to spark excitement when we are talking. The same conversation over and over gets old fast: keep the relationship alive. I'm excellent at talking if the topic is worth talking about.
If you are a nerd and love fantasy/WOW/D&D/LOTR/Super heroes, don't be upset when I can't get excited with you. I can get excited for you, but that just isn't my cup of tea. The only thing like that which I truly enjoy is Harry Potter. On that note, you best be loving those British Wizards. OR ELSE.
I need for you to understand that I don't always want to be lovey-dovey. I don't always want to act like a couple. If you are super touchy-feely, we do not belong together. And that's okay. I also don't like pet names unless there's a genuine reason behind them (in which case they are nicknames, not pet names.) Nothing will irk me more than you calling me baby, sweety, honey, babe, sugar pumpkin kitten face, and others. If I did something really stupid like walking head-on into a wall, I give you full permission to call me "Crash." But Crash is not Muffin Candy Bunny Doll. No.
Sometimes I want to be crazy. Sometimes I want to go driving around with no destination. You better be ready for those times. Always have music on you: our road trips need a soundtrack, and you are the DJ. I will take anything you like, because regardless of whether I like it or not, I can have fun making fun of you and your disgraceful tastes in music, and you better take it like a man.
Any volunteers?
Hugs and kisses XOXO
I will never use XOXO in a "Sirius" sense. Don't be worried.
As an add-on, don't be a Debbie Downer. Nobody likes someone who is always negative. I want to hear everything that's happening in your life, but you better put a positive spin on it. Just don't be overly bubbly...
Lately, I've found myself feeling lonely. That sounds awful. I don't need a guy, but I would like to have one. I have found myself thinking a lot lately "What do I want a guy to be like? What are some qualities that a guy I would date should have? Will he wear orange pleather shoes? Do I want him to be obsessed with Star Wars? Should he know more about quantum physics than I do? Does height really matter?" And so on and so forth.
I thought about making a list of all of the qualities THE MAN would have. But that seems pointless. A list makes life boring. Situations are much more exciting, and more eye-opening to a person's character. How the hell am I going to come up with so many situations, though? I can't. I don't want to. I won't. So basically, this is sort of a letter to the future guy rather than a response to various hypothetical conversations. Without further ado, I present what LR looks for in a guy.
Dear Mister,
I hope that you have an exciting name. Something boring like John would be a letdown, but wouldn't completely turn me away (it would just take me much longer to warm up to you.) I can't really speak much for myself: everyone was naming their daughter MY name when I was born, so I'm not overly unique. Not at least, in that sense. If we're going to get married, I can almost guarantee that your name will make my name more exciting. Game on.
Being taller than me would be nice, but is not necessary. Frowning upon shorter men makes me excessively shallow, so I must apologize in advance. But, let's be serious here: tall men just make me look short and adorable. Adorable=good.
I hope you've either gone to college or are currently in college. Education is important. Your grandmother may disagree with me, but who really gets along with the in-laws right away? Not me. Thankfully your grandfather loves me, but he may just be interested in upgrading to a newer model. Ahem. Note to self: we're not meeting your grandparents until you propose. I'm just teasing, I love you!
Be able to quote Disney movies in common conversation. You better have understood where my quote just above came from. If not, please let me move on to the next guy. I will frequently toss Disney quotes into my conversations with you: be prepared (for the chance of a lifetime.)
You need to be smart. That does not mean that you have to be able to recite the entire Periodic Table to me along with atomic masses, common isotopes, etc. while we are enjoying dinner together. I just need you to be able to spell words correctly when I want to see stuff spelled correctly. I want you to be able to understand my frustrations with various school related stuff (using "stuff" too much at the moment...deepest apologies.) If I want to talk smart on a date, I expect you to be able to talk smart right back.
I would love for you to be able to start a conversation with me and keep it going. I don't want to have to be the main talker ALL THE TIME. Be able to spark excitement when we are talking. The same conversation over and over gets old fast: keep the relationship alive. I'm excellent at talking if the topic is worth talking about.
If you are a nerd and love fantasy/WOW/D&D/LOTR/Super heroes, don't be upset when I can't get excited with you. I can get excited for you, but that just isn't my cup of tea. The only thing like that which I truly enjoy is Harry Potter. On that note, you best be loving those British Wizards. OR ELSE.
I need for you to understand that I don't always want to be lovey-dovey. I don't always want to act like a couple. If you are super touchy-feely, we do not belong together. And that's okay. I also don't like pet names unless there's a genuine reason behind them (in which case they are nicknames, not pet names.) Nothing will irk me more than you calling me baby, sweety, honey, babe, sugar pumpkin kitten face, and others. If I did something really stupid like walking head-on into a wall, I give you full permission to call me "Crash." But Crash is not Muffin Candy Bunny Doll. No.
Sometimes I want to be crazy. Sometimes I want to go driving around with no destination. You better be ready for those times. Always have music on you: our road trips need a soundtrack, and you are the DJ. I will take anything you like, because regardless of whether I like it or not, I can have fun making fun of you and your disgraceful tastes in music, and you better take it like a man.
Any volunteers?
Hugs and kisses XOXO
I will never use XOXO in a "Sirius" sense. Don't be worried.
As an add-on, don't be a Debbie Downer. Nobody likes someone who is always negative. I want to hear everything that's happening in your life, but you better put a positive spin on it. Just don't be overly bubbly...
Here we go, folks. What you've all been waiting for. The greatest blog to ever exist. Right here! Oh just kidding. First is the worst, second is the best. Err, who came up with that? Obviously they didn't know the author of the afore-tagged blog. One awesome person, if I do say so myself.
WHAT is this blog, other than the most highly anticipated new media of the century? Nothing. It falls flat without that label. Although, even with that label, it's still lacking the necessary "oomph." What would make this blog shine? What would make it the fish I would most want to stuff and put over my fireplace? You tell me. Maybe it would be a dancing monkey. Maybe it would be a eulogy following every single post to commemorate all of the ideas tossed out during the writing process. Perhaps it would be something as simple as a review of everything I see, everything I smell, taste, touch, hear, laugh at, snicker about, fall asleep during, think twice about, etc. during the day (although that does sound a bit daunting to me.) My understanding is that this blog is a way for me to tell you life as I see it, which is primarily through a warped, hilarious vantage point. Some things will be serious, other things will be as simple as my ranting about the idiot child in my morning class. Sometimes, things just have to happen.
Like rambling. It is a necessary part of life. Without it, we would be lost, as though we were sheep without their shepherd. Seriously, who really raises sheep anymore? At least, sheep that they have to lead through fields. It seems a bit outdated. Somewhere between shepherds and Twitter, we can find the right balance of modern life and morals. What am I trying to say?
I have no idea.
WHAT is this blog, other than the most highly anticipated new media of the century? Nothing. It falls flat without that label. Although, even with that label, it's still lacking the necessary "oomph." What would make this blog shine? What would make it the fish I would most want to stuff and put over my fireplace? You tell me. Maybe it would be a dancing monkey. Maybe it would be a eulogy following every single post to commemorate all of the ideas tossed out during the writing process. Perhaps it would be something as simple as a review of everything I see, everything I smell, taste, touch, hear, laugh at, snicker about, fall asleep during, think twice about, etc. during the day (although that does sound a bit daunting to me.) My understanding is that this blog is a way for me to tell you life as I see it, which is primarily through a warped, hilarious vantage point. Some things will be serious, other things will be as simple as my ranting about the idiot child in my morning class. Sometimes, things just have to happen.
Like rambling. It is a necessary part of life. Without it, we would be lost, as though we were sheep without their shepherd. Seriously, who really raises sheep anymore? At least, sheep that they have to lead through fields. It seems a bit outdated. Somewhere between shepherds and Twitter, we can find the right balance of modern life and morals. What am I trying to say?
I have no idea.
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