Here we go, folks. What you've all been waiting for. The greatest blog to ever exist. Right here! Oh just kidding. First is the worst, second is the best. Err, who came up with that? Obviously they didn't know the author of the afore-tagged blog. One awesome person, if I do say so myself.
WHAT is this blog, other than the most highly anticipated new media of the century? Nothing. It falls flat without that label. Although, even with that label, it's still lacking the necessary "oomph." What would make this blog shine? What would make it the fish I would most want to stuff and put over my fireplace? You tell me. Maybe it would be a dancing monkey. Maybe it would be a eulogy following every single post to commemorate all of the ideas tossed out during the writing process. Perhaps it would be something as simple as a review of everything I see, everything I smell, taste, touch, hear, laugh at, snicker about, fall asleep during, think twice about, etc. during the day (although that does sound a bit daunting to me.) My understanding is that this blog is a way for me to tell you life as I see it, which is primarily through a warped, hilarious vantage point. Some things will be serious, other things will be as simple as my ranting about the idiot child in my morning class. Sometimes, things just have to happen.
Like rambling. It is a necessary part of life. Without it, we would be lost, as though we were sheep without their shepherd. Seriously, who really raises sheep anymore? At least, sheep that they have to lead through fields. It seems a bit outdated. Somewhere between shepherds and Twitter, we can find the right balance of modern life and morals. What am I trying to say?
I have no idea.
This will be the best blog on the face of the earth.